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Everything You Need to Know About Arterial Lines

Arterial lines are commonly used in critical care. They permit blood samples to exist taken and are used to monitor blood pressure. This article is the third office of a vi-part series looking at essential critical care, developing a deeper understanding of clinical practices. This article comes with a cocky-assessment enabling y'all to exam your knowledge afterwards reading it


An arterial line is a small catheter that is direct inserted into an avenue. The procedure is associated with risks, so it is of import that appropriate care is taken during and after insertion. This commodity is part 3 of the essential critical intendance skills series, and discusses the insertion of arterial lines, monitoring of an arterial waveform, and any associated risks or complications with this disquisitional care procedure.

Citation: Plowright C, Sumnall R (2022) Essential disquisitional intendance skills three: arterial line care. Nursing Times [online]; 118: i, 24-26.

Authors: Catherine Plowright is professional adviser, British Association of Critical Intendance Nurses; Rebecca Sumnall is education and do development sister, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.

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Arterial lines are normally used in patients who are critically ill to monitor arterial blood pressure continuously, and to obtain blood samples for arterial claret gases and blood specimen collection. The radial artery is the almost mutual site for arterial line insertion, but other arteries may be used, including the ulnar, brachial, femoral or dorsalis pedis.

As arteries take a vital office in supplying oxygenated blood, it is important to make sure there is a collateral circulation to the area of the body that is supplied by the chosen artery. This is necessary in case an arterial thrombosis (blood clot) occurs, every bit adequate peripheral circulation to the limb by another artery is essential to avoid permanent limb damage.

Professional skill

It is important that the health professional who inserts the arterial line is competent in this skill. Arterial lines should only exist used in clinical areas where staff have the competency to care for them safely; they are not appropriate for utilize on general wards (Garretson, 2005). Nurses should merely accept on care of an arterial line when they have:

  • Undergone training;
  • Been assessed as competent to practise then.

They should follow local policies and procedures and piece of work in adherence with the Nursing and Midwifery Quango's (2018) lawmaking of conduct.

Setting up the transducer organisation

The Association of Anaesthetists of Keen Britain and Republic of ireland's (2014) guideline for arterial lines aims to reduce impairment to patients from administration of the incorrect infusion fluid, and to identify steps that should be taken to reduce this chance.

Arterial lines should be clearly identifiable post-obit local procedures, as this volition reduce the hazard to patients of adventitious drug administration into the avenue. Registered health professionals should check the infusion solution (usually 500ml of 0.ix% sodium chloride) before connecting to a patient, and also at all patient handovers, such as transfer from the emergency department to critical intendance or shift handovers in the disquisitional care unit (Leslie et al, 2013).

The infusate fluid and arterial line transducer prepare should exist changed co-ordinate to local policies and procedures. The infusate is contained in a pressure bag, which is inflated to 300mmHg; as this pressure is higher than the arterial systolic force per unit area, it prevents the backflow of blood from the cannula into the administration set up.

The arterial assistants set delivers a continuous wearisome affluent of 3-4ml per hour; this keeps the line costless from clots. It is important that this infusate solution is continuous – information technology should not be discontinued.

Monitoring using an arterial line

Arterial lines are used to monitor arterial blood pressure continuously, and then it is essential to understand normal and abnormal arterial pressure waveforms; these are shown in Fig ane.

Arterial force per unit area waveforms are obtained by attaching the arterial line to a transducer (Fig 2). A transducer is a device that converts one energy grade to another – in this case, it converts pressure into an electrical indicate. This signal is sent via a cablevision to a monitor, where information technology is displayed as a waveform. The arterial line waveform can exist affected past anatomical, physiological and technical factors. Accuracy of arterial blood pressure level monitoring relies on the patient exhibiting a normal arterial force per unit area waveform and the nurse recognising this. When monitoring blood pressure via an arterial line, the transducer needs to be placed at the level of the center. This position is known every bit the phlebostatic centrality and is located at the fourth intercostal space on the mid-axillary line.

Overdamped waves, which underestimate blood pressure, can be a result of air bubbles or clots in the pressure tubing, kinks in the catheter or tubing, low pressure in the pressure pocketbook, or no fluid in the flush bag. Underdamped waves overestimate claret pressure and can exist caused past an artefact, potent non-compliant tubing, hypothermia, tachycardia or dysrhythmia.

A calibration is used when the arterial force per unit area waveform is displayed on the monitor. This scale tin be altered depending on the patient's blood-pressure measurements. Normal waves can appear overdamped or underdamped if the arterial waveform is not scaled properly. Most monitors incorporate an car-scale characteristic. Information technology is important to check this if there are concerns nearly the arterial waveform, and arrange it as required. Claret pressure level changes can hateful the scale is no longer correct and should be readjusted.

Accurate monitoring of arterial claret force per unit area requires the transducer to exist 'zeroed':

  • At least in one case during each shift;
  • When the accuracy of the reading is in dubiousness.

Zeroing is performed to counteract the influence of external pressures, such as atmospheric force per unit area, on the monitoring organisation. Zeroing the transducer ensures that only the arterial pressure will be measured so the arterial blood-pressure readings volition be authentic. In that location are a number of steps required to perform this and it is of import to follow local guidelines to ensure patient condom and infection control.

When a patient is moved, intendance needs to be taken to brand sure the transducer remains positioned correctly at the phlebostatic axis; information technology may need repositioning and it is important to consider whether the transducer should exist re-zeroed.

The position of the arterial cannula in the artery can touch on blood pressure level; for example, a cannula in the radial artery may have been affected by the position of a patient's wrist. As such, it is important to make sure the waveform is normal (Fig one) before making any alterations to the patient's treatment, such every bit increasing or decreasing medications that volition change their blood force per unit area.

If health professionals have any concerns about waveforms or zeroing, they must raise these with a more than senior nurse or health professional.

Arterial blood samples

Samples of arterial blood should:

  • Just exist taken when clinically indicated;
  • Not be performed routinely.

Blood sampling via an arterial line should only exist performed after preparation, supervised practice and successful competency assessment, as per local policy. Using a correct sampling technique is central to making sure the blood sample is not contaminated with the infusate, which may affect all claret results, including arterial claret gases, clotting studies and electrolytes (AAGBI, 2014). To eliminate this, the nurse or wellness professional must withdraw and discard a volume of three times the dead space of the arterial line (Leslie et al, 2013). Care must be taken to ensure:

  • All caps in the arterial line organization are closed and connected;
  • Lines are flushed thoroughly after sampling;
  • When flushing lines, it is non forced, as there may be a thrombus that, if dislodged, may atomic number 82 to ischemia.

This ensures patient condom before and after the process. Making certain the pressure bag is maintained at 300mmHg will mean there is a counter-pressure to prevent thrombus germination.

Obtaining the blood sample is the initial stage; the sample must then be processed in line with local policies and procedures. When the results are available, they must be analysed by a health professional who is competent to do then and can make clinical decisions nearly the intendance of a patient who is critically ill. Whatever concerns virtually obtaining arterial blood samples or whatever of the claret results must be reported to the nurse in charge of the patient.

Arterial line care

Right arterial line intendance is vital to reduce complications and ensure patient condom (Blackburn and Walton, 2016; Leslie et al, 2013). Arterial lines must be secured in line with local policy and covered with a clear dressing, with the date of dressing change clearly documented (Loveday et al, 2014).

Dressings should exist changed in line with local policy or when at that place are signs of bleeding, infection or diaphoresis (profuse sweating). The charge per unit of infection associated with arterial cannulas is relativity low (Blackburn and Walton, 2016), but nurses must be vigilant; if signs of infection are observed, this must be reported to a senior nurse and/or medical practitioner.

When changing the dressing, all local infection prevention and control techniques – such every bit aseptic non-touch technique – should be followed. The peel should exist wiped away from the insertion site and allowed to air dry out (Loveday et al, 2014).

Arterial line intendance should exist documented as per local policy, just would include;

  • A clean, intact dressing;
  • Documenting the date of dressing changes;
  • Observing the insertion site for phlebitis.

If there are any concerns almost the care of the arterial line, this must be reported to the nurse in charge.

"Correct arterial line care is vital to reduce complications and ensure patient prophylactic"

Removal of arterial lines

When they are no longer needed, arterial lines should be removed co-ordinate to local procedures. Information technology is important earlier removing a line that health professionals are aware of the patient'south coagulation status (international normalised ratio test, partial thromboplastin time and platelets) and, if at that place are whatever abnormalities, that the conclusion to remove the line is discussed with a senior member of the healthcare team. This is vital, as at that place may be a gamble of bleeding.

The line should exist removed adhering to all local infection prevention and control techniques, and the correct process must be followed. Only staff who have demonstrated competence in the skill should remove arterial lines.

Once the arterial cannula is removed, direct pressure must be applied to the insertion site until haemostasis (formation of a clot to limit bleeding from the insertion site) is fully accomplished; this may accept up to xv minutes, depending on the position of the arterial line and the patient's coagulation condition. If in that location are any concerns near line removal, it is essential to ask the nurse in accuse of the patient for help.


A number of complications are associated with arterial lines, including:

  • Thrombus germination in the cannula;
  • Distal ischaemia to the cannula;
  • Haemorrhage from the monitoring system;
  • Infection;
  • Air embolism;
  • Use of incorrect infusate fluid;
  • Inadvertent injection of drugs into the cannula.

Drugs that are wrongly injected into an arterial line volition result in that drug existence directed to the limbs and body extremities. This leads to the injected particles lodging in claret capillaries and affecting circulation, which can event in a lack of blood flow, eventually causing the tissue to dice. If not identified early, vascular complications can cause permanent harm to patients and may result in limb amputations (Blackburn and Walton, 2016).

Patients with radial arterial cannulas must be closely observed to monitor pollex and hand perfusion. Arterial cannulation tin can cause distal ischemia to the arterial cannula if a patient'south blood supply is compromised. The nurse must be vigilant in observing for changes in pare temperature and colour, and for patients complaining of limb pain.

Monitoring is important to make sure there is no bleeding from the arterial force per unit area monitoring system or from the insertion site.


When caring for patients who are critically ill and take arterial lines, appropriate nursing care and vigilance volition help to ensure patient prophylactic and besides to limit complications. Nurses should follow all local policies and procedures, and adhere to the Nursing and Midwifery Council's (2018) code when caring for such patients.

Fundamental points

  • Arterial lines are used to monitor arterial blood pressure and obtain arterial blood gases and blood specimens
  • They should simply exist used in clinical areas where staff take the competency to care for them safely
  • Correct arterial line care is essential to reduce complications and ensure patient safety
  • All intendance should be documented as per local policy and any concerns must be reported to the nurse in charge of the patient
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Association of Anaesthetists of Great United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and Ireland (2014) Arterial line blood sampling: preventing hypoglycaemic brain injury. Anaesthesia; 69: iv, 380–385.

Blackburn J, Walton B (2016) Risks associated with arterial lines: time for a national rubber standard? kingdom, 10 November.

Garretson S (2005) Haemodynamic monitoring: arterial catheters. Nursing Standard; 19: 31, 55-64.

Leslie RA et al (2013) Management of arterial lines and claret sampling in intensive care: a threat to patient prophylactic. Amazement; 68: eleven, 1114–1119.

Loveday HP et al (2014) epic3: national evidence-based guidelines for preventing healthcare-associated infections in NHS hospitals in England. Journal of Hospital Infection; 86: S1, S1-S70.

Nursing and Midwifery Quango (2018) The Code: Professional person Standards of Do and Behaviour for Nurses, Midwives and Nursing Assembly. London: NMC.
