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If Stl Blues Win Today When Do They Play Again

Упражнения по Simple Past, Past Continuous Tense.

Past Simple

√ Use the Uncomplicated Past or the Past Continuous Tense.
√ Interpret from Russian into English.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки употребляя Simple Past or the Past Continuous

1. I (hear, not) the thunder during the storm last nighttime because I (slumber).
2. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun (shine). A cool cakewalk (accident). The birds (sing).
3. My blood brother and sister (argue) about something when I (walk) into the room.
iv. I (go) a package in the mail. When I (open) it I (find) a surprise.
5. Stanley (climb) the stairs when he (trip) and (autumn). Luckily, he (hurt, not) himself.
6. While Mrs Emerson (read) the little boy a story, he (fall) comatose, so she (close) the volume and quietly (tiptoe) out of the room.
7.I actually (savor) my holiday concluding Jan. While it (snow) in Iowa, the sun (smoothen) in Florida.
While you (shovel) snowfall in Iowa, I (lie) on the beach in Florida.
8. It was my first solar day of course. I (find, finally) the correct room. The room (exist, already) full of students.
On one side of the room, students (talk, busily) to each other in Spanish.
Other students (speak) Japanese, and some (antipodal) in Arabic.
It (sound) like the Un. Some of the students, however, (sit, merely) quietly by themselves.
I (cull) an empty seat in the last row and (sit) downwardly.
In a few minutes, the teacher (walk) into the room and all the multilingual conversation (cease).
9. When I (arrive) she (have) dejeuner. She (apologize) for starting without me only said that she always (dejeuner) at 12.30.
10. He (wear, always) a raincoat and (carry) an umbrella when he walked to the part.
11. I (share) a apartment with him when nosotros were students. He (complain, always) virtually my untidiness.
12. He of a sudden (realize) that he (travel) in the incorrect direction.
thirteen. He (play) the guitar outside her house when someone opened the window and (throw) out a bucket of water.
14. I (open, only) the alphabetic character when the current of air (blow) information technology out of my manus.
15. The burglar (open) the safe when he (hear), footsteps. He immediately (put) out his torch and (crawl) under the bed.
16. The boys (play) cards when they (hear) their father'south footstep. They immediately (hide) the cards and (take) out their lesson books.
17. He (not let) us to become out in the boat yesterday as a strong air current (blow).
18. The traffic (make) so much noise that I couldn't hear what he (say).
nineteen. She (stand) at the omnibus-stop. I asked her what bus she (await) for.
20. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at first considering I (non habiliment) my glasses.
21 While the guests (trip the light fantastic toe) thieves (break) into the house and (steal) a lot of fur coats.
22. She was very extravagant. She always (buy) herself new clothes.
23. Her mother often (tell) her that she (spend) too much money but she never (listen).
24. Mr Smith never (wake) up in time in the mornings and ever (go) into problem for being late; and so one 24-hour interval he (get) to town and (purchase) an alarm clock.
To get home, he (have) to go through a field where a bad-tempered bull normally (graze).
This bull normally (non hunt) people unless something (make) him angry. Unfortunately, equally Mr Smith (cross) the field, his warning clock (go) off.
This (annoy) the bull, who immediately (brainstorm) to chase Mr Smith.
Mr Smith (comport) an open umbrella as it (rain) slightly.
He (throw) the umbrella to the basis and (run) away equally fast every bit he could.
The bull (stop) and (begin) to assail the umbrella. While he (practice) this Mr Smith escaped.
25. Why you (interrupt) me merely at present? I (take) a very interesting conversation with Mr Pitt.
26. Every bit they (walk) along the route they (hear) a car coming behind them.
Tom (plow) round and (hold) up his manus. The car (stop).
27. While he (make) his speech the minister suddenly (feel) faint.
But someone (bring) him a glass of h2o and after a few minutes he (be able) to proceed.
28. I (run into) y'all yesterday from the bus. Why you (use) a stick? — I (use) a stick because I had hurt my leg that morn falling off a horse. Whose horse you (ride)?
29. How you (damage) your motorcar so badly? — I (run) into a lamp-post yesterday. — I suppose you (drive) too apace or were non looking where you (go).
30. I merely (write) a cheque when I (remember) that I (have) nix in the bank.
31. He (say) that he (build) himself a house and that he (retrieve) information technology would be ready in 2 years.
32. Why yous (lend) him that book? I (read, still) it. — I'thousand distressing. I (not know) that you (read, all the same) it.
33. You (hear) what she merely (say)? —No, I (listen, not). I (recall) well-nigh something else.
34. Why you (not be) at the coming together? — I (expect) for an overseas telephone call from my family unit.
35. I'grand certain you met Carol Jones at the party last night.—I don't remember her. What (wear, she)?
36. How (interruption, you) your arm? — I (slip) on the ice while I (cross) the street in front of the dorm.
37. Peter and Ann (decide) to redecorate their sitting-room themselves. They (choose) foam paint for the woodwork and apricot for the walls. When John (look) in to meet how they (get) on, Ann (mix) the paint, and Peter (wash) down the walls. They (exist) glad to run across John and (ask) if he (exercise) anything special that day. He hastily (answer) he (go) to the theatre and (go) away at once, because he (know) they (look) for someone to assist them. They (brainstorm) painting, merely (find) the walls (be) besides wet. While they (look) for the walls to dry, Ann (remember) she (take) a telephone call to make. Peter (start) painting while she (telephone), and (do) a whole wall before Ann (come) back; He (mumble) that she always (telephone). Ann (retort) that Peter always (complain). They (work) in silence for some fourth dimension. Just equally they (start) the third wall, the doorbell (band). It (exist) a friend of Peter'southward who (desire) to know if Peter (play) golf the following weekend. He (stay) talking to Peter in the hall while Ann (get) on painting. At last he (go out). Peter (return), expecting Ann to say something almost friends who (come) and (waste) valuable time talking about golf. But Ann nobly (say) nothing. Then Peter (think) he would do the ceiling. He just (climb) the step ladder when the doorbell (ring) again. Ann (say) she (get) tired of interruptions but (go) and (open) the door. It (exist) the postman with a letter from her aunt Mary, maxim she (come) to spend the weekend with them and (arrive) that evening at 6.30.
38 Nosotros (not get) much sleep last night because the people next door (have) a noisy political party. I (ring) up the landlord and (say) that his tenants (make) besides much racket. He (betoken out) that information technology (be) Sabbatum and that people in his house often (have) parties on Sat nights.
39. What yous (do) before you (get) this job? — I (work) for Brown and Visitor. — And how long yous (stay), with them? — I (stay) for most six months. I (leave) because they always (go) bn strike. It (get) quite monotonous
40. How you (break) your leg? — I (fall) off a ladder when I (put) upward curtains. The worst of it (be) that information technology (be) just before the holidays and I (get) away, (had planned to go away) — So y'all (not become) abroad? — No, of course not. I (cancel) my bookings and (spend) the holiday hobbling near at abode.
41. My neighbour (look) in final nighttime and (say) that he (leave) the district and (go) to Yorkshire to a new job. I (say) I (be) very sorry that he (go) and (tell) him to write to me from Yorkshire and tell me how he (get) on.
42. Equally the goalkeeper (run) forward to seize the ball a canteen (strike) him on the shoulder.
43. Information technology (snow) heavily when he (wake) up. He (remember) that Jack (come) for lunch and (decide) to get downward to the station to meet him in case he (lose) his way in the snowy lanes.
44. It (exist) midnight and I (exist) alone in the house. Exterior information technology (rain) very difficult. I (get) gear up to go to bed when I suddenly (hear) a strange racket outside my room in the corridor. Then, when I (wait) at the door, I (observe) that someone (turn) the handle! I (rush) over to the door and quickly (turn) the key in the lock. So I (ask) in a trembling voice, "Who is it?"
45. When I (introduce) Tom to Ryan, they (shake) hands and (grinning) at each other.
46. Chris (hurt) his finger when he was making his dinner last night. He accidentally (cut) it with a sharp knife.

Two. Сделайте перевод с русского на английский. Translate from Russian into English.

i. Вчера вечером шел сильный дождь, и мы не смогли пойти на стадион,
2. Я не ожидал тебя здесь встретить. Когда ты приехал?
three. Я не успел на поезд в 10 часов и мне пришлось ждать следующего целый час.
4. Мы не поняли друг друга. Я ждал его в здании университета, а он в это время ждал меня на улиц
5 Стюардесса попросила пассажиров пристегнуть ремни, так как самолет шел на посадку.
half dozen. Ты вчера вечером был дома? — Нет, я ходил в театр. Мне очень понравился спектакль. Игра актеров была великолепной.
seven. Когда ты был в отпуске последний раз? — Прошлой зимой. — Как ты его провел? — Прекрасно. Ходил на лыжах, катался на коньках
viii. Когда ты позвонил вчера, я был занят. Я переводил наш новый контракт.
9. Вчера я опоздал на урок английского языка. Когда я пришел, студенты писали сочинение.
10. Аня подмела пол, вымыла посуду, а потом стала готовить домашнее задание.
11. Вчера мы купались, загорали, катались на лодке, играли в теннис. Мы очень хорошо провели время
12. Шел ли дождь, когда ты вышел из дома?
13. Он спускался вниз по лестнице, когда я его увидел!
fourteen. С кем ты разговаривал, когда я встретил тебя в коридоре
xv. Что ты делала, когда я позвонила тебе вчера вечером? — Я готовила ужин.
16. Ты была вчера дома в 5 часов? — Нет, я была в университете. В это время я сдавала экзамен по грамматике.
17. В то время как я искал ключи в гостиной, моя жена искала их в столовой.
eighteen. Она без конца била посуду.
19. Она вечно жаловалась.
xx. Почему тебя не было на собрании вчера? — Я должен был встретить сестру на вокзале.
21 Когда ты видела его в последний раз? — Неделю назад в библиотеке. Пока я готовила обед, мой муж чинил автомобиль.
23. Когда ты писал родителям в последний раз? — Месяц назад.
24. Мы жили в Москве 10 лет, а потом переехали в Минск.
25. Когда я вошел в зал, студенты все еще обсуждали первый доклад. 26. Мальчик ловил рыбу, когда он упал в воду.
27. Пять лет назад я имел обыкновение рано вставать.
28. Неделю назад я потерял свои очки, но два дня спустя я нашел их.
29. Стоял прекрасный летний день. Светило солнце и пели птицы.
30. Он был очень занят, когда я его видел, так как на следующий день он уезжал в командировку.
31. Почему ты был так сердит на него?
32. В прошлую субботу мой отец ходил на рыбалку и поймал много рыбы.
33 . Почему ты не позвонил мне? — Я вернулся домой слишком поздно.
34. Кто видел вчера Елену? — Я.
35. Какие журналы он хотел показать мне? — Я не знаю.
36. Вчера весь вечер они обсуждали планы на летний отпуск.
37. Вы работали на этом заводе три года тому назад?
38. Вы просмотрели вчера эти документы?
39. Мы ужинали, когда моя старшая сестра вернулась из университета.
40. Где ты встретил Анну?—Я встретил ее около библиотеки, когда возвращался домой. Кто купил подарок для Джейн? — Ник.
42. Сколько писем вы напечатали вчера? — Двадцать одно
43. Когда часы пробили двенадцать, мы пошли спать.
44. Я обедал, когда он мне позвонил.
45. Куда ты ходила после занятий? — В универмаг.
46. Когда он вернулся из Лондона?-—Неделю тому назад.
47. Он ведь показал тебе свою новую квартиру?
48. Дождь шел с пяти до семи.
49. Петр просматривал газеты, в то время как Аня смотрела телепередачу
l. Ты переводил статью весь вечер, не так ли?—Да, статья довольно трудная, и мне пришлось многие слова смотреть по словарю.
51. Когда я пришел, машинистка все еще печатала мои документы.
52. В прошлом году было много снега?—Да. 53. Когда вы получили это пись­мо? — Вчера утром.
54. Погода была хорошая, и дети попро­сили меня повести юс в парк.
55. На уроке английского язы­ка преподаватель задавал вопросы, а мы отвечали на них.
56. Я прочитал изложение сестры. В нем было несколько ошибок.
57. Где вы его видели на прошлой неделе? — Мы видели его в театре.
58. Кто навестил вас вчера? — Друзья моего сына.
59. Где ты была сегодня после обеда? Я прихо­дила к тебе, но тебя не было дома.
60. В котором часу ты сегодня обедал? — Я обедал в два.
61. Он пожал мне руку и пожелал успеха в работе.


i didn't hear, was sleeping
ii was shining, was bravado, were singing
3 were arguing, walked
4 got, opened, constitute
5 was climbing, tripped, fell, didn't hurt
6 was reading, brutal, airtight, tiptoed
vii enjoyed, was snowing, was shining, were shovelling, was lying
eight finally found, was already, were busily talking, were speaking, were conversing, sounded, were just sitting, chose, sat, walked, stopped
9 arrived, was having, apologized, lunched
10 ever wore, carried
eleven shared, was e'er lament/always complained
12 realized, was travelling
xiii was playing, threw
14 was just opening, blew
15 was opening, heard, put, crawled
16 were playing, heard, hid, took
17 didn't allow, Was bravado IB was making, was maxim
19 was standing, was waiting
twenty heard, went, opened, didn't recognize, wasn't wearing
21 were dancing,  bankrupt, stole
22 was ever buying
23 told, was spending/spent, listened
24 woke, got, went, bought, had, was unremarkably grazing, didn't hunt, made, was crossing, went, bellyaching, began, was conveying, was raining, threw, ran, stopped, began, was doing
25 did you interrupt, was having
26 were walking, heard, turned, held, stopped
27 was making, felt, brought, was able
28 saw, were y'all using, was using, were y'all riding
29 did you damage, ran, were driving, were going
30 was but writing, remembered, had
31 said, was building, thought
32 did you lend, was still reading, didn't know, you were still reading
33 did yous hear, said, wasn't listening, was thinking
34 weren't yous, was waiting
35 was she wearing
36 did you lot pause, slipped, was crossing
37 decided, chose, looked, were getting, was mixing, was washing, were, asked, was doing, replied, was going, went, knew, were looking, began, plant, were, were waiting, remembered, had, started, was telephoning, did, came, grumbled, was always telephoning, retorted, was always lament, worked, were starting, rang, was, wanted, was playing, stayed, went, left, returned, came, wasted, said, thought,
was just climbing, rang, said, got, went, opened, was, was coming, was arriving
38 didn't get, were having, rang, said, were making, pointed out, was, had
39 did you lot do, got, worked, did you stay, stayed, left, went, became
twoscore did you lot break, fell, was putting, was, was, was going, didn't get, cancelled, spent
41. looked, said, was leaving and going, said, was, was going, told, was getting on
42 was running, struck
43 was snowing, woke, remembered, was coming, decided, lost
44. was, was, was raining, was getting, heard, looked, noticed, was turning, rushed, turned, asked 45 introduced, shook, smiled
46 hurt, cut

Do Ii, p. twoscore

i. Information technology was raining hard yesterday evening, then we couldn't go to the stadium.
2. I didn't await to come across y'all here. When did you come?
iii. I missed the 10 o'clock train so I had to wait for the next ane the whole 60 minutes.
four. Nosotros misunderstood each other. I was waiting for him within the university, while he was waiting for me outside.
5. The stewardess asked the passengers to fasten seat belts, as the plane was landing.
6. Were you at dwelling house yesterday evening? — No, I went to the theatre. I enjoyed the performance. The acting was superb.
vii. When were you on holiday final? — Last winter. — How did you spend it? — Very well. I went skiing and skating.
8. When y'all phoned yesterday, I was busy. I was translating our new contract.
9. I was belatedly for my English class yesterday. When I came, the students were writing a composition.
10. Ann swept the floor, done up the dishes and began to do her homework.Yesterday we swam, lay in the sun, went canoeing, played tennis. Nosotros had a lot of fun.
12. Was it raining when you left abode?
13. He was walking downstairs, when I saw him.
fourteen. Who were yous talking to when I met you in the corridor?
xv. What were you doing when I rang y'all upwardly yesterday evening?—I was making supper.
16. Were yous at dwelling house at v о'clock yesterday? — No, I was at the university. I was taking my exam in Grammar at that time.
17. While I was looking for the keys in the sitting-room, my wife was looking for them in the dining-room.
18. She was constantly breaking the dishes.
19. She was always lament.
twenty. Why weren't y'all at the meeting yesterday? — I had to come across my sister at the station. When did you see him last? — A week ago in the library. While I was making dinner, my husband was repairing the machine.
23. When did yous last write to your parents? — A month ago.
24. We lived in Moscow for x years, then we moved to Minsk.
25. When I entered the hall, the students were still discussing the first study.
26. The boy was fishing, when he cruel downward into the h2o.
27. Five years agone I used to get up early.
28. A week ago I lost my glasses, but 2 days later on I found them.
29. It was a fine summer day. The dominicus was shining and the birds were singing.
30. He was very busy, when I saw him, because he was going away on business on the adjacent day.
31. Why were you so angry with him?
32. Last Sabbatum my father went fishing and defenseless a lot of fish.
33. Why didn't you lot telephone me? — I came dwelling house besides late.
34. Who saw Helen yesterday? — I did.
35. What journals did he want to show me? — I don't know.
36. The whole evening yesterday they were discussing their plans for summer holidays.
37. Did yous work at this plant three years agone?
38. Did you wait through the documents yesterday?
39. We were having . supper when my elder sister returned from the university.
40. Where did you meet Ann? — I met her outside the library when I was going home.
41. Who bought the nowadays for Jane? — Nick did.
42. How many letters did you lot type yesterday?—Twenty.
43. When the clock struck twelve, we went to bed.
44. I was having dinner when he chosen me.
45. Where did you lot go after our classes? — To the department store.
46. When did he come back from London? -— A week ago.
47. He showed y'all his new flat, didn't he?
48 .It was raining from five to 7.
49. Peter was looking through the newspapers, while Ann was watching television.
fifty. You were translating the article the whole evening, weren't you lot? -— Aye, the article was rather difficult and I had to look up many words in the dictionary.
51. When I came, the typist was however typing my documents.
52. Was there much snow terminal year? — Yeah, there was.
53. When did you get this letter? — Yesterday morning.
54. The weather was prissy, and the children asked me to take them to the park.
55. At our English lesson the teacher asked questions and nosotros answered them.
56. I read my sis's composition. There were some mistakes in it.
57. Where did you encounter him last week? — We saw him at the theatre.
58. Who visited yous yesterday? — My son's friends.
59. Where were you this afternoon? I came to see y'all, just you weren't at abode.
60. What fourth dimension did you have dinner today? — At two о'clock.
61. He shook my hand and wished me success in my piece of work.

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